The California Prisoner Outreach Program (CalPOP) is a SCISAA service that coordinates SAA 12 step service between SAA Fellow volunteers and prisoners, mostly in the form of sponsoring via letter writing. CalPOP coordinates with the prisoner outreach efforts at the ISO of SAA office in Houston, other California SAA Intergroups and at times other “S” program prisoner outreach programs.
More than half of the prisoners requesting sponsors to SAA come from California so CalPOP volunteers carry the message of recovery to the prisoner addict who still suffers (Tradition 5) by volunteering in these ways:
SPONSOR prisoners through letter writing. Review the CalPOP Sponsor Orientation Packet for more details.
ADVOCATE for CalPOP by making announcements in your meetings and referring to this web page.
produce media content that updates this program.
provide IT SUPPORT (e.g. website updates, cybersecurity, database management, coding).
Cooperate with local legal institutions in matters related to recovery from sex addiction as guided by the 12 Traditions of SAA.
- Inform the SAA fellowship of its own resources for the addict who has legal issues (download here).
To download the CalPOP Handbook describing the program in detial. For more information contact Rey G re***@pr**************.org.